Fractional Creatorship

We acknowledge the fundamental principle that artists thrive in tandem with their fellow creators. Audioverse facilitates the discovery of artists with a similar vision, thereby fostering the inception of artistic projects that push the boundaries of creativity and imagination.

man in gray quarter-sleeved shirt singing
man in gray quarter-sleeved shirt singing

Stay In Control

At Audioverse, you will be able to connect with top-tier talent, and systematically orchestrate all facets of your crowdfunding campaign. This includes the delineation of each artist's role and the fair allocation of NFT royalties, according to their respective levels of involvement.

For example, if you are collaborating with other musicians on a song, Audioverse will help you easily calculate and allocate NFT royalties based on the percentage of songwriting, instrumentals, and vocals contributed by each musician, ensuring fair compensation.

man playing guitar under spotlight
man playing guitar under spotlight